This article was written in response to a question on inexpensive methods of saving money on energy cost during the winter. The answer would be relative to the type of heating system that you have available. If you have the ability to burn wood, you could save $100-200 per month in heating costs. It requires work, but if you are severely financially burdened, it becomes a viable option. If not, a small electric heater, as the other hub poster suggested would be helpful. Used minimally, it could save you from $40-100 per month. From there, you need to make sure that your insulation is at it's premium density and thickness.There is a certain level that relates to the type of structure that you live in and where you reside. Find out what the R-Value is for you locale and make sure you have enough to provide adequate protection. On the note of sealing things up, you may also check the gaskets on your refrigerator and freezer. Once they reach a certain age, the seals tend to give way and begin to leak. Replacing them is another inexpensive money saving technique. Another method of saving money is get a powerful fan and check your home for places where you have air leaks. Set the fan up in a door way pulling air out of your house. Walk around while the air is circulating to inspect and find the places that are leaking and repair/fill them. There are products at your local paint store made for doing this. One such device is a door sweep, which will prevent air from entering your home through the bottom of the doors in your home. All in all, there is not really one single inexpensive way to save a considerable amount of cash. However, if you use the ideas described above along with other efficiency optimizing techniques, you could save some significant cash. I will post more specific optimizing suggestions in future posts. I hope this information is useful to you and the rest of the readers.
In time, almost every house in the world has to get painted in some way or another. Whether interior or exterior, some aspect of any dwelling will need the protection offered by a fresh coat of paint from time to time. The benefits of this service are wonderful, from the protection that I mentioned to the added beauty and value that is instilled in your home. I highly suggest that you check the integrity of your home’s paint regularly, especially since the amount of moisture damage that can result from a failure can be catastrophic. So, without further adieu, here are the top 10 reasons to pay a professional to do it for you:
September 2017